6 Steps -- How to Select a Gage Block Set
1) Decide which system of measurement (inch or metric) is most appropriate.
2) Determine the range of measurements that might be made from the desired set.
Break down the measurements into ranges that are frequently made and
infrequently made.
3) Determine the "comfortable range" of a set. (Click here to expand this choice.)
4) Choose a style of block: (Rectangular, Square, or Heavy Duty). Note: The choice of
style may restrict the choice of material and grades. (Click here to expand this choice.)
5) Choose a gage block material. (Click here to contract this choice.)
A. Steel is recommended if one or more of the following applies:
1. Initial cost is very important. Other materials may provide lower cost over the long term, but steel definitely
provides the lowest initial cost.
2. Replacement costs are important. If blocks are to be used on the "shop floor", and management expects that
they will not be well cared for, then the lower cost of steel can be significant for items considered to be
3. The environment is not well controlled. Steel is quickest to acclimate to changing environmental conditions of
all of the available materials. Its thermal expansion characteristics is also most likely to match any micrometer
or calipers being used on the shop floor. This will give more consistent measurements.
4. Larger measurements need to be made. Temperature becomes very important for larger measurements. As
steel is a common material for manufactured parts, the thermal expansion of steel gage blocks is most likely to
match those parts being produced, as well as the measuring instruments (micrometers and calipers) used to
control the manufacturing process. For parts being made from aluminum or plastic, at least the thermal
expansion of steel is well known, and is more likely to be handled correctly than for other materials.
Steel blocks are available in Webber Grade A1 (B89.1.9 Grade 0) only, except for selected sizes 5 inches
(125mm) and longer in length which are also available in Webber Grade AA (B89.1.9 Grade 00) accuracy.
B. croblox® or ceramic is recommended if one or more of the following applies:
1. The blocks are being used in an abrasive environment. In grinding shops where there is a lot of grit in the
air, the grit can land on the gage surface. This grit can scratch the blocks during use, and can quickly destroy
their wringing ability and accuracy. Croblox and ceramic gage blocks are 10 to 30 times more resistant to
scratching than are steel blocks. The useful life of the block in this kind of environment will more than offset
the greater initial cost over steel.
2. The blocks are used in a humid or corrosive environment. Steel blocks rust. Croblox and ceramic blocks do
not. The average life of a steel gage block is 3 years, and it most likely to be scrapped because of corrosion
on its gage surfaces. Rust can happen very quickly, and it only takes one brief lapse of care for a steel block
to be ruined. Ceramic and croblox gages never have to be oiled. They positively will not corrode under any
normal conditions.
3. The blocks will often be wrung together in combinations. Croblox and ceramic gage blocks have superior
surface finishes which mean they will wring together more easily and accurately. Also, since croblox and
ceramic blocks are more scratch resistant than steel, they will maintain their ability to wring together far longer
than steel blocks.
Webber Grade AA (B89.1.9 Grade 00) croblox gages are available in the inch system in both rectangular and
square styles, and in the metric system only as rectangular style.
Webber Grade AA (B89.1.9 Grade 00) ceramic gages are available in the inch and metric systems only as
rectangular style.
Webber Grade AA (B89.1.9 Grade 00) steel blocks are not available except in selected sizes 5 inches (125mm
and longer in length.
C. croblox® is recommended if one or more of the following applies:
1. The set is going to be used as a reference standard. Croblox® is the most stable of all gage block materials.
Its unique combination of hardness, superior surface finish, and stability makes sets of chrome-carbide
(croblox®) an ideal choice for laboratory reference standards.
2. Greater accuracy is required than is available from steel gage blocks (Grade 2 blocks). Croblox® gage blocks
are available in 2 accuracy grades: Webber Grade A1 (B89.1.9 Grade 0) and Webber Grade AA
(B89.1.9 Grade 00). Where the lowest uncertainty of measurement is required, Webber Grade AA croblox®
gage blocks may be calibrated using our Laboratory Calibration procedures. Our Laboratory Calibration
procedures are restricted to rectangular style blocks only.
(Not available
from Webber)
corrosion resistance
thermal expansion
very good
resistance to wear
fair to poor
very good
very good
resistance to
fair to poor
very good
very good
resistance to nicks
and burrs
fair to poor
very good
resistance to chipping
very good
fair to good
long term stability
fair to poor
(No long term data
at this time)
(No long term data.
Not available from
thermal conductivity
(ability to acclimate to
its surroundings)
very good
very good
(takes 1.2 times
longer than Steel)
(takes 2.2 times
longer than Steel)
(takes 1.5 times
longer than Steel)
surface finish
fair to good
(0.7µin. AA)
(less than 0.3µin. AA)
very good
(0.5µin. AA)
(Not available from
(ability to make
fair to good
very good
6) Choose an accuracy grade. Note: Certain accuracy grades may not be available in all
materials or styles. (Click here to expand this choice.)
©2018, Webber Gage Division, The L. S. Starrett Co, Westlake, Ohio , 44145